Your paper should respond to the following:
1) What is the role of the anthropologist and his/her contribution to understanding the processes of social change in the U.S. and beyond? How has that role changed over the course of their career?
2) What do the anthropological theories proposed by your theorist have to say about historical and contemporary issues that you have experienced and/or we have discussed (or will discuss) in class? Focus on 2-3 contributions from your theorist.
3) More than just an anthropologist, your theorist was also a person living in a particular time in history. Who was your theorist as a person and how did this impact their study of research? (Ex: Foucault was gay and formed the repressive hypthosis due to his own experience and witnessing of social power determining which sexual behaviors are ‘legitimate’ or ‘deviant’).

12-15 pages, double spaced, 12-point font
APA in-text citations and bibliography (not included in page count):
At least 3-5 credible sources: