For this assignment, choose one of the commercials from Super Bowl LV which can be found at 2021 Super Bowl Commercials. Drawing on the fifteen basic appeals Fowles discusses, analyze the commercial to describe what kinds of appeals it uses to convey its messages. The commercial you select must be at least thirty seconds in duration. NOTE: Over time, selected commercials may become inaccessible online due to copyright infringements.

Provide an opening paragraph that introduces the topic and the commercial. In one sentence at the end of your introduction, provide a thesis statement that gives the reader a specific sense of what overall conclusion(s) your paper will show. In this sentence, summarize the kinds of appeals you will suggest the commercial uses and how these provide the basis for the connections upon which the commercial conveys its message(s).
In the remainder of your paper, use the specific details of the commercial to explain the overall message(s) of the commercial, the connections the commercial uses to convey its message(s), and which of the fifteen basic appeals from Fowles’ essay the commercial uses to make those connections. Note that you do not need to apply all fifteen appeals from Fowles’ essay, nor should you apply all fifteen. Rather, focus on two or three appeals and specifically demonstrate how the commercial you have chosen uses those appeals.
In the body paragraphs provide specific examples from the commercial you have chosen and clearly explain how these specific details illustrate your points. In other words, link your specific examples to the opinions expressed in their topic sentences. All examples and all topic sentences should link to the argument that appears in your thesis statement. Make sure you include enough commentary to make your reasoning clear. This assignment asks you to develop your own interpretations from what you see when you look at the commercial. You will be graded on the overall essay format and how well you express and support your ideas. If you use essays from the course texts, be sure to cite them appropriately. See Step 7 of the “General Instructions for Papers” in this lesson for directions on how to cite the essays properly.
Create a fitting, descriptive title for your paper. You can summarize the content to follow or you can devise a clever title connected to what the body of your paper discusses.
Be sure to have a clear conclusion