Research paper on Ambulatory Facilities
Need an outline… divide each section equally
Some Key Points I would like added
Define Ambulatory care and Ambulatory Facilities
Describe the value of ambulatory care practices
Why is ambulatory care important
Explore pharmacy services in some ambulatory care settings
Identify standards of practice in ambulatory care
Identify future opportunities and challenges
APA format and have a
minimum of 10 references.
The research paper should include the following components:
Provide a comprehensive description of the selected delivery setting category,
with information on developmental history, current variations and services,
targeted populations, financing, personnel, and administrative issues and
Grading will consider the accuracy, appropriateness, thoroughness, and clarity of
materials included.
The paper should be written in APA format (please refer to Purdue OWL for
assistance with format).
Drafts are welcome as you begin writing.