The importance of Family Dynamics from a Functionalists Prospective

Students will collect and analyze secondary data on a topic related to course content and write a 3-6 page research paper (length does not include bibliography). In this assignment, you will identify and describe a research question/topic of sociological interest, conduct research via secondary sources (books, articles, internet sources*), and write a research paper. The paper must consist of a sociologically mindful examination of a social phenomenon (e.g. domestic violence, the education system, police brutality, bullying, etc.).

The examination of the topic must include an analysis using at least one of the three major sociological paradigms (functionalist, conflict, or interactionist). The research paper must contain a title page, introduction, body/findings, conclusion, and a bibliography. Students must use at least 5 secondary references. All written assignments must be typed, double-spaced in a 12-point font, in APA style. The paper should include:

Introduction (The Problem)
Background and significance
Research Design and Methods (secondary research; use one of the three main sociological theories)
A paragraph describing the sociological theory you are using (functionalism, conflict, interactionism)
A paragraph explaining how you will examine your topic using that theory
References (List at least five references you intend to use for your Research Paper)