Required Readings:

  2. “Why you procrastinate (It has nothing to do with self-control)” by Charlotte Lieberman
  3. “New Ways to Think About Procrastination” by Christy Rotman

Address the following prompts:

  1. Write a brief summary of at least three of the theories explored in the three articles.
  2. Consider an example of the last time you procrastinated on a course assignment or

study session through the lens of the three articles you have read. What can you learn about yourself and what you were feeling/thinking? Knowing what you know now, what could you do differently next time?

  1. Now consider a current assignment that you would be tempted to/are procrastinating on right now. What is one skill or strategy mentioned in the articles that you can try to implement to resist the urge to procrastinate?
  2. To end, consider which theory most resonated with you and how it inspires you to take action and make change.materials provided (video, chapter/article, etc…)