Describe Debra’s history of symptoms of SZ and history of treatment:

What does Debra do professionally? How would you describe her level of functioning?

Describe Elyn’s history of symptoms of SZ and history of treatment:

What does Debra do professionally? How would you describe her level of functioning?

Describe Paris‘s history of symptoms of SZ and history of treatment:

What does Paris do professionally? How would you describe his level of functioning?

How do the three individuals view SZ as an illness? (perhaps contrast when first diagnosed vs. current perspectives)

What do the individuals think is the best treatment, or “key ingredients” for treatment and recovery for SZ (perhaps for themselves individually and for others)?

How do the individuals’ stories relate to ideas about stigma (i.e., stereotypes) about SZ?

Relatedly, how do their stories help combat some of the stereotypes about SZ?

Write a two page reflection paper double-spaced reflecting on these issues.