This project aims to evaluate from an HCI and usability point of view an existing application design or a new application that you will design or redesign in the next project 2.

The application should be the one that the instructor approved.

1. Select a product with an interface. The application can be hardware with a computer interface (like a GPS or an app for mobile) or a software application. Suggest the applications that you want to work on in the page for the P1 app on Canvas

2. Evaluate the interface and select the features that you want to design, redesign, or create. If you are designing a new application. Please provide a description of what needs it will satisfy and the specificity of your application. Feature evaluation must include the steps to complete the task. Time to complete a task and so on.

3. Conduct a comparative study of at least three similar product features. The comparative UI must be based on the application of user interface rules, principles, standards, and guidelines discussed in lecture and reading materials). Unrelated to UI comparative such as number of users marketing materials and so on are not acceptable.

4. Conduct a heuristic evaluation of the selected product features.
5. Determine the target audience and define user profiles-three Personas.
6. Define the usability metrics for your new design (measurable metrics).
7. Define the user requirement. Requirements must be actionable, and you will use them for your project 2.
8. Create a conceptual/low fidelity prototype.
9. Evaluate your conceptual prototype and adjust your design based on your usability metrics.Usability Enhancement from Previous Design
10. What did you learn from this project?
11. Report your full project on the due date