How does the personhood of the fetus affect the classification of abortion as ethical or unethical? In case the topic is unclear you can think about it like this: If someone proves conclusively that the fetus as a person, how would that affect the ethics of abortion? If someone proved conclusively that the fetus is not a person, how would that affect the ethics of abortion? That is what the topic is trying to get you to consider.

In considering this topic you should look at the arguments by Steinbock, Marquis, Callahan, Thompson, Warren, and others. You will not have room to discuss them all, so you will have to select one or two of them to illustrate the points you want to make. You will find that in some cases the arguer can justify their position with no appeal to personhood whatsoever. This includes both pro-choice and anti-abortion positions. In other cases the arguer relies heavily on the personhood status of the fetus.