For this discussion, compose two Introductions for your Researched Argumentative Essay. The introductions should demonstrate different approaches, using different words and phrasing. Only the thesis statement will remain similar. Then, in a third paragraph, share your thoughts about which introduction you are most likely to use and why.(the topic is on the acceptability and validity of diversification as a best practice in
marketing and as a corporate strategy. Most specifically, the topic focuses on the context of small
businesses. One of the arguments that are in favor of diversification is that it is a strategy that
assists businesses reduce or eliminate a high probability of risks or failure.)
A few reminders:
Paragraph 1 will be your first possible introduction.
Paragraph 2 will be your second possible introduction.
Paragraph 3 will be your commentary on both introductions.
Write only in 3rd person point of view (No direct address – “You would be shocked at the waste of edible foods!”).
Do not announce the topic (Example: This paper will discuss the importance of donkey farming to nomad societies in Northern Africa; In this essay, or, In this essay, I will…).