Use of the concept of “trust “in modern nursing literature (Since WWII). Find 3 articles that use the concept you are studying. Integrate the ideas presented in each of these into a several page description of the nursing profession’s current understanding of the concept. Contrast this with what you learned about your concept in biblical and historical study, showing similarities and differences.
2. Write implications for advanced practice nursing (including possible interventions) from the nursing literature you reviewed.
3. Write implications for advanced practice nursing care (including possible interventions) from your biblical and historical studies in papers #1 and #2 (remember the notes you made at the end of Paper #1). How will you use your learning to identify spiritual issues in your patients, do the appropriate assessments, and provide the required spiritual care to your patients/families you care for in the future?
4. Be very specific to show key points that will give direction to what you say and do with patients who experience spiritual concerns or difficulties.