Philosophy of Art
Assignment Two: Ellen Dissanayake: Homo Aestheticus and More Human Than Human

For this assignment, I want you to answer the following questions in essay form and include a cover page in APA style. I don’t care if you use APA style throughout the paper, but all content must be your own original thoughts. This is tricky….. consider these questions carefully in 2 pages of text. If you do quote any sources, you must cite them and use a reference page

As we have seen and read in Ellen Dissanayake’s work, this author believes that human beings evolved to create art. After listening to her speak and reading her work, answer these following questions:

What is the bioevolutionary view of art?

Why do you think human beings began creating art?

What does art do for human beings?

If a culture creates objects that might be considered art by Western definitions, but they do not have a word for art in their own language, are we wrong to call what they do art?

Dissanayake states that humans have a need to “make special” and to
play.” We can do this through visual and the performing arts. How do art, play, and ritual intersect to “make special?”

Can you think of an example of human behavior that could be defined as combining ritual, play and art – such as Mardi Gras? Describe it.