Question #1: The Hippocratic Oath (5 points)
Wanda is diagnosed with a very contagious and deadly disease. Her doctor, Dr. Vision, strongly urges Wanda to immediately inform all of her recent contacts (family members, co-workers, etc.) about her diagnosis in order to keep them, and others, from serious harm. Wanda, however, refuses to inform anyone and reminds Dr. Vision that he promised to keep all of her information confidential before she agreed to get tested. The doctor wants to protect others from harm but he also wants to keep his word. At this point, he is uncertain about how to proceed.
* According to the Hippocratic Oath, would Dr. Vision be permitted to breach confidentiality and tell the public about Wanda’s diagnosis? Why or why not?
* According to the Hippocratic Oath, is Dr. Vision under any obligation to respect Wanda’s autonomy? Why or why not?
* Do you think the Hippocratic Oath provides adequate guidance for Dr. Vision in this case? Why or why not?
Question #2: The Nurse’s Role and Responsibilities; Readings: Newton, “In Defense of the Traditional Nurse” and Kushe, “Advocacy or Subservience for the Sake of Patients” (10 points)
A registered nurse no longer wants to perform kidney dialysis upon a terminally ill patient because he is concerned that the treatment is more harmful than beneficial. The nurse challenges the doctor’s orders, stating that he has already performed the procedure on the patient and twice had to interrupt it because the patient suffered cardiac arrest and severe hemorrhaging.
* According to Newton, is the nurse justified in challenging the doctor’s orders? Be sure to explain which of Newton’s arguments support your answer.
* According to Kushe, is the nurse justified in challenging the doctor’s orders? Be sure to explain which of Kushe’s arguments support your answer.
* In your own opinion, do you think the nurse justified in challenging the doctor’s orders? Be sure to provide your own arguments to support your answer.
Question #3: Patient Autonomy; Readings: Ackerman, “Why Doctors Should Intervene.” (10 points)
A doctor is treating two patients who have both tested positive for COVID-19. Patient A appears to understand his diagnosis and has very mild symptoms, such as a fever, tiredness and a dry cough. Patient B has a more severe case and is experiencing difficulty breathing. Patient B is also very confused and seems not to understand the severity of his condition. Both patients refuse to follow the doctors recommended treatments.
* According to Ackerman, do both Patient A and Patient B have autonomy? Be sure to explain which of Ackerman’s arguments support your answer.
* According to Ackerman, should the doctor respect both patients’ refusals of treatment? Be sure to explain which of Ackerman’s arguments support your answer.
* In your own opinion, do you think that both patients have autonomy? Be sure to provide your own arguments to support your answer.
* In your own opinion, if you were the doctor, would you respect both patients’ refusal of treatment? Be sure to provide your own arguments to support your answer.