Suggest an imagined work situation where it is important to monitor at least four streams of incoming information simultaneously.  Provide a copy of the existing Dashboard, and demonstrate how your re-design of that Dashboard improves upon the original.  Dashboards should be designed using good design principles and not corporate habit—“this is the way we have always done it at work.”

Design the appropriate information graphic or table for each stream of information.

Create a Dashboard which meaningfully arranges the depictions of your incoming information streams that displays the status of each factor and the whole situation easily and rapidly.

Discuss your situation, information streams, representational depictions, and Dashboard. The narrative should include:

  • A narrative describing your dashboard with instructions of how to look at it, how to interpret it, and what each part and the whole means.
  • A brief description about the situations being monitored.
  • A brief description about why monitoring each information stream is important.
  • A brief description about why you chose the graphic or tabular representation for each input stream