• Describe and discuss the concepts/issues surrounding Internet of Things (Learning outcome 1). In order to be able to demonstrate this learning outcome in your essay you need to give a good description of the background of the research area related to your subject. Apart from the issues discussed in the class you need to be able to introduce additional sources of information through books, journals or conference proceedings.

• Demonstrate state-of-the-art understanding in relation to the means and approaches by which Internet of Things might be achieved (Learning outcome 2). In order to demonstrate this learning outcome, you have to identify and briefly but effectively describe one or more studies where the technology/practice under investigation is used. You need to show the approach that was taken in the specific study and the implementation outcome whether it was a success or a failure.

• Reflect critically on the theory and practice of Internet of Things within and across the disciplines mentioned (Learning outcomes 3). In order to demonstrate this outcome your essay should be able to present a good application of the interdisciplinary issues related to your subject in the chosen study or studies.

Suggested Topics
1. The Business Canvas Model
2. The Laws of Information
3. Mobile trends in IoT
4. RFID/NFC implementations
5. IoT in industries (healthcare, construction, etc..)
6. Industry 4.0
7. Blockchain for IoT
8. Privacy/Ethical issues
9. Case studies
10. Something else you and the teacher agrees on.

The essay should be in the Literature Review research format (unless you want to collect real data and use the Case Study method). You need to collect relevant literature on a subject, find relevant studies and critically analyze these studies. The approach you need to take in the written essay should be critical in terms of the relevant literature and practical in terms of using real life examples/studies. You will also need to finalize your essay with some recommendations and conclusions as they derive from your analysis/findings.