i) You will need to design a questionnaire for the study you stated in Part A as a vehicle to find solutions for improving continued usage of e-learning/user satisfaction. Your questionnaire must include an introduction and 20 questions.

Guidelines: The 20 questions include:

1.                  Two filtering questions (Hints: you want to exclude respondents who cannot provide useful and relevant information);

2.                  Three classification questions (two demographic variables and one lifestyle variable) (hint: a lifestyle variable is one that classifies interests, opinions, behaviours, or behavioural orientations of an individual);

3.                  A 5-item scale developed by you for measuring the “X” you stated in Part A;

4.                  A 5-item scale developed by you for measuring the “Y” you stated in Part A.

5.                  A 5-item scale developed by you for measuring the “Z” you stated in Part A

show your questionnaire on one A4 page.


(20 marks)
ii) Discuss whether you would choose to use 5-point, 6-point or 7-point scales for i)(3), i)(4) and i)(5) and justify your selections. (4 marks)
iii) Explain the difference between nominal, ordinal, interval or ratio scale.  Use some of your 20 questions in part i) as example.


(16 marks)


Part C (30 marks)


Your reseach team decided to use one of the following sampling methods to select a sample of 300 respondents from OUHK students. Your reseach team would like to estimate the continued usage of e-learning/user satisfaction of all OUHK students based on the selected samples.

The selection of the sampling method depends on the 3rd numerical value of your student ID. For example, the 3rd digit of s1243657 is “4”, then the selection would be “Stratified Sampling” according to the table below. You are then required to use “Stratified Sampling” to complete your analysis.


The value of the 3rd digital of your Student ID

e.g. s1243657

Sampling method
0 or 4 or 8 Stratified Sampling
1 or 5 or 9 Quota Sampling
2 or 6 Simple Random Sampling
3 or 7 Convenience Sampling

state your own research question and suggest an appropriate research method with your own reasons.

Describe how you could collect data using the stated sampling method and state whether the sampling method is probability or non-probability sampling method.

Additionally, discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the selected sampling method and explain whether or not it is the best alternative among other methods in your case.