Review Chapter 6 – “Process Selection and Facility Layout” that will be the focus of this assignment. On page 642, there are questions listed under the header of “Taking Stock.” These questions are designed as a ‘check on learning’. Your response to each question should be detailed.

Here are the questions:
What trade-offs are involved in shifting from a traditional operations system to a lean system for a manufacturing firm? For a service firm?

Who in the organization is affected by a decision to shift from a traditional operations system to a lean system?

To what extent has technology had an impact on lean systems?

For this assignment, write a 2 to 3 page paper (approximately 600 to 900 words). Use the following format and headers to organize your essay:

Purpose (no more than one paragraph),
Main Body (i.e., where you answer the three questions as part of a broader narrative incorporating course concepts), and
Summary (no more than one paragraph).