A senior executive in your organization is interested in how completing a DBA might help to address organizational problems. He is interested in what a suitable research project might involve and how it might be carried out in a manner that he considers ethical.
My task is to respond to my manager by writing a full report. The report will seek to achieve the following:
• Conceptualize ‘management research’ (up to 750 words)
• Identify a subject area (e.g. HR, leadership, marketing, etc) and critically consider leading areas of knowledge within that subject area, drawing on existing research (up to 1,500 words)
• Identify an organizational problem (within your own organization, or one you know well) which is suitable for DBA research and explain why it is suitable for such research (up to 1,000 words)
• Explain how you might conceptualize a research question to address that problem (up to 500 words)
• Identify the different stages you would need to consider in the research process (up to 750 words)
• Critically consider ethical issues in research and state how you would design your research in an ethical fashion (up to 1,000 words).
• Introduction (up to 250 words) and Conclusion (up to 250 words).