Prepare an essay of at least 300 words describing the knowledge and other experiential value gained during the internship (Accounting). Be sure that you include your name and your company name on your essay.

Guidelines for Writing Your Essay:
1. A major parameter for your experiential essay is confidentiality of client information and good judgment generally. Client identities and client information should
never be disclosed (see, e.g., Texas Administrative Code, § 501.75, Confidential
Client Information). An accounting firm’s (or any other business entity’s) policies and procedures should never be discussed beyond (positive) generalities. Also, do not identify supervisors or co-workers by name; instead, refer to “my supervisor,” “the senior partner,” or some similarly generic reference.
2. An essay that will be made public by posting in LinkedIn and JSOM Post is necessarily a reflection of its author’s writing skill. Your Professor or Course Coordinator will not write your essay for you. Rather, the purpose of the review and
approval process is to provide reasonable assurance that your essay is “public-ready.”