Choose one of the stories we’ve studied so far this semester to write about.

Now write at least 750 words examining how this piece of literature exhibits features of the literary genre/movement in relation to which we studied it. Put another way, what makes this piece representative of this genre or movement?

In order to accomplish this, think of this paper as having 2 major components: textual analysis and literary genre knowledge.

You will need to perform a close textual analysis of the work, but ALSO make sure you have a handle on the features of the genre or movement in which you’re working. The point is to show how the two are intertwined. DO NOT simply give facts about the literary genre and then separately address the piece itself. This will require a review of the historical intro in your textbook and your class notes.

Research: Finally, this short essay has a research component. Your final paper must incorporate two research sources retrieved from the library database/GALILEO. Check out the helpful tutorial resources in the GALILEO Research Help folder if you have not used GALILEO before. You may also use your textbook as ONE of your sources. Use the publication on the textbook’s cover page to build your citations.

Here are some suggestions for how you can incorporate your research:
To explain the major features of the genre you’re discussing
To give historical information
To give biographical information about the author or his/her work
To provide supporting interpretations of the text from other literary scholars