Critically evaluate the role expectations of an advanced clinical practitioner with respect to the 4 pillars of advanced clinical practice: clinical practice, research, leadership and management and education. Critically reflect upon their developing role and personal developmental needs in line with these role expectations.
Demonstrate a critical understanding of an advanced clinical practitioner’s broadened level of responsibility and autonomy and the limits of own competence and professional scope of practice in line with their respective code of professional conduct and governance systems.
Critically evaluate theories and models of clinical leadership, service development and risk management whilst demonstrating an in-depth understanding of the processes required to successfully drive change within health care organisations.
Demonstrate an in-depth understanding of the importance of communication and collaborative working in leading advanced clinical practice with respect to the 4 pillars of advanced clinical practice: clinical practice, research, leadership and management and education.
Demonstrate the ability to critically appraise and synthesise the outcome of relevant research, evaluation and audit, using the results to underpin own practice and to inform that of others through dissemination of evidence based practice.