By understanding the complexities of stigma, education, and religion as they affect India’s inablity to appropiately introduce the common practice of indoor bathrooms, and comparing this to how the United States eventually overcame its denial of basic women’s health care which was blocked by similar cultural stoppages, one can begin to find working solutions that will specifically address early education, social behaviors, and a nations’s desire for global equality.
This then summarizes my part one, introduces the essay’s body (part 2) and prepares my reader for part 3.

At the end of my part two essay, the transitional paragraph will set up a time line for solution as well as let my reader know what ideas are going to be combined to effectively create and customize a working solution for my countries specific issue.

THIS FINISHED PROJECT submission is where you are joining the PIECES of the PUZZLE together into a UNIVERSITY LENGTH essay

PART ONE becomes your introduction. ADD A NEW THESIS that represents the issue, the solution, and application.

Essentially, by putting the three essays together, and adding your transitional paragraphs, you have now written a UNIVERSITY sized paper (Inching towards 15 pages with 20 or so sources). COMBINE YOUR WORKS CITED PAGES.

The entire project needs a creative title
A Prologue that is 5 to 10 sentences long. A prologue should set the tone for the entire journey.
Somesort of Intro Conclusion Strategy
and a FULLY combined Works Cited page – citation from all 3 parts

It should have:

Proper MLA format
Both In-text and reference Citation
a clean 30% research (quote, paragraphs, summary) with 70% commentary – YOU TALKING
Clean and diverse sentence structure
3rd person Academic Writing Voice
Creative solutions that mix and match thing, idea, policy, law, practice… in unique and intersting ways.