Unit 6 AssignmentThis is like Writing Assignment III on the DiplomaExam.Responding to PovertyYour task is to write a letter to the editor of thenewspaper on the same question:How should society respond to the problem of poverty?
Consider the concepts and ideas you have learned throughoutthe course ie.in Units 1 through 6.
Remember to include Social Studies terminology inyour response where itis appropriate.In your response you must
explorethe issue of responding to the problem of poverty
analyzevarious points of view on the issue
explainanddefendyour position on the issue
supportyour point of view using your understandingof social studiesNote the following reminders for writing.
Rememberthat you must answer the question.Organizeyour response.
Proof read your response.Rubriclook at the rubric below to see how this assignment is will be marked andhow it is marked on the diploma exam.Your Assignment will be marked according to the SocialStudies 30-2 Diploma ExaminationScoring Categories and Criteria for Writing AssignmentIII, provided below. Use this rubricto organize and proofread your response.You can be awarded a total of15 marks,broken downas follows:
Exploration & Analysis:5 marks
Defence of Position:5 marks
Communication:5 marks