1. Define e-portfolio for graduate student in higher education and for an advanced practice nurse for professional development. (Provides a definition for an e-portfolio for a graduate student in higher education and for an advanced practice nurse for professional development.)
2. Importance of developing and using an e-portfolio as a graduate student in higher education and as an advanced practice nurse for professional development. (Discusses the importance and purpose of developing and using an e-portfolio as a graduate student in higher education and as an advanced practice nurse for professional development.)
3. Identify and discuss items to be included in an e-portfolio as a graduate student in higher education and as an advanced practice nurse for professional development. (Identifies and discusses items to be included in each type of e-portfolio.)
4. Examples of what you would include in your e-portfolio for higher education purposes as a graduate student. (Identifies at least five (5) examples of items that the student would include in their e-portfolio for higher education purposes as a graduate student.)
5. Discuss challenges and issues associated with e-portfolios. (Discusses at least two (2) challenges or issues associated with developing or using an e-portfolio.)
6. Conclusion with recommendations for the future present. (Concludes presentation with recommendations on how they will use the e-portfolio as a graduate student and as an APN in the future.)