Write-up and submission. Please write-up responses to the following questions (see below), add the free-list responses and then submit on blackboard under. For this assignment it is not necessary to write an entire page of prose.  However, you do need to include the entire list of drugs, and positive effects, modes of using, and negative effects for one of the drugs.

How many drugs did the interviewee generate without probing? How many more drugs did the interviewee name using the three probing techniques? (ADD the list of drugs you generated on an additional page in the word file).
Describe the negative and positive effects and the modes of using given by the interviewee for the one drug you chose.  Please report on any probing that you did to get clarification on terms and phrases. (ADD the list of positive and negative effects and modes of using along with the name of the drug on an additional page in the word file submission.