Human Resources Assignment

The Company Gloves Case

Was the company glove policy a good policy? Answer this from the perspective of whether it is legal (remember what you learned about union contracts), the way it was communicated, and if the business had a “need” or “requirement” to fulfill.

Did you handle the supervision of Johnson properly? Explain your answer and address it from the perspective of handling these matters in a union environment.
Was the warehouse manager right in reinstating Otto? Explain your answer and, again, address it from the perspective of handling the matter in a union environment.

Do you think the warehouse manager was justified in telling you that if the men walked off the job, you would be fired? Explain your answer. Remember what you learned about ULPs. Give detail and cite a source to back up your opinion.

Was the personnel manager justified in asking you to return Otto Johnson to the job with full back pay? Explain. What role does HR play in a union environment? Go beyond stating what you think/feel/believe is the “right thing to do”. You can include your perspective but also address the legal and political ramifications. (HINT: the parties are in the process of negotiating the contract).