Answer the following questions in complete sentences using an essay format. See the SLP Assignment Expectations for further directions on formatting and organization.

Assignment Directions:

Discuss how zoos have evolved over the past 50 years to become conservation centers. Incorporate the role of zoos in educating the public into your response.

Discuss some of the economic pressures faced by zoos—namely space, capacity, and resources—that can affect their conservation efforts.

How does a species get on the Endangered Species List?
Take a virtual trip to the zoo using one of the links below and observe at least one of the endangered species.
You can take a virtual visit to the zoo any day of the week by tuning into any of the following live webcams, which feature many endangered animals. The World Wildlife Fund lists many of these animals as priority species.

The Houston Zoo has some of the best webcams of gorillas, rhinos, elephants, flamingos, and giraffes here: