First, select a topic with both legal and ethical implications faced by professionals in the healthcare setting. Your final paper will discuss the multitude of legal viewpoints, ethical issues, and issues of inter-professionalism related to your topic.

You will be required to discuss how values, ethics, and sense of inter-professionalism may shape how the topic is interpreted, analyzed, and communicated in legal and ethical terms.
For example, you can analyze Roe v. Wade (the law that legalized abortion) and its impact on the practice of obstetrics and gynecology over time.

Discuss the legal and ethical issues surrounding The End of Life Option (physician-assisted suicide) law that was recently passed in California and its impact on hospitals.

Discuss the need for a strong Code of Ethics in every medical business setting or the need for inter-professional education and how it can improve the ethics of a medical setting.

Once you have chosen your topic, conduct research to find at least two peer-reviewed articles related to your topic and summarize the findings in those two articles. Then, formulate a thesis for your paper.