GPS devices constitute an invasion of employee privacy if the employee is tracked when they are not on the job.

Using cell phone tracking becomes a little more invasive as you can be “followed” at all times of day. Florida law states that a business can track employees in company owned vehicles or on cell phones.

The law is vague as to when that tracking becomes an invasion of privacy. If you are working for a company that feels the need to track your work during the day.

Employee trust becomes paramount in this issue. If you are suspicious of your employees, they should not be working for you. A company could set up guidelines that would be appropriate for GPS use by working with the managers and employees to produce an agreement everyone is comfortable with.

This would create trust among the workers and give the employer the desired results of being able to track company property. Gaining consent from the people being tracked is not necessary but would help if there ever was an instance of overstepping the boundaries of GPS use. Areas that could be covered in an agreement could include:

1.1. What devices can be tracked?

2.2. What will be tracked, and will it be stored?

3.3. How the date will be utilized.

4.4. Who has access to the information and how will it be secured?