Health And Equity

1) Briefly introduce and state your research question and discuss why you have chosen to write on this topic. (This section can be from a couple of sentences to a paragraph or so).

2) Give correct and complete reference of literature or web reference that you are reviewing and briefly introduce, discuss or analyze how this source is useful to your work.

Anne Westhues and Brian Wharf, (2012). Canadian social policy: issues and perspectives. (5th edition) Waterloo, Ontario : Wilfrid Laurier University Press.

According to Westhues and Wharf the low-income measure (LIM), the “highest incidence of poverty…was among people in female lone-parent families with no earner” (Westhues, 176).

The poverty rate among this group is 86.5%. Furthermore, female lone-parent families with one earner had a poverty level of 38.7% in 1989 and 30.6% in 2009. Accordingly, these figures indicate

1) The inadequacy of social income programs for the poor in bringing female lone-parent families with no earner anywhere near the internationally used poverty line; and

2) the persistence of poverty among the vulnerable children in Canada” (Westhues, 179).

This source is useful to my research question as it allows a comparison of Canadian child poverty rates of female lone-parent to those in other countries. Also, this source suggests that poverty, therefore, is irrefutably intersected with gender and race.

3) Conclude the annotated bibliography with a discussion of possible outcomes, expectations of what this essay may reveal to our understanding and possible significance for further research within the academic community