Essay Questions
1. Compare the origins of multiculturalism in Australia and Canada. To what extent is Australia a multicultural country?

2. Describe the difference between descriptive and substantive representation. Drawing on one or two examples, critically reflect on the advantages and disadvantages of descriptive representation for minority citizens in state or federal electorates.

3. Drawing on a case study from Canada, Australia or the United States, discuss what are the main factors explaining the under-representation of MEM groups in federal politics.

4. Do our representative institutions reflect the ethno-cultural diversity of society, and does it matter? Draw on census and/or legislative data to provide evidence.

5. A question of your choice that has been given approval by the lecturer or tutor (at least 2 weeks prior to the due date). You may like to focus on a particular country of your choice or incorporate some of your own particular interests.

Length: 2,200 words (Bibliographies, footnotes and endnotes will not be included in the word count).

Pass Credit Distinction High Distinction
Contextualisation of issue/case study
Personal or anecdotal overview bearing little relation to the core course themes.
Descriptive overview of issue, long or rambling. Some attempt made to relate to the core course themes.
Provides clear overview of issue related to themes of the course, clearly related to the core course themes.
A clear, succinct and accessible overview of issue and analytical claims.
Related to the core course themes in creative and innovative fashion.
Engagement with literature
Use of literature and additional materials is very limited and/or largely irrelevant. Resources not well integrated.
Shows evidence of engagement with good range of literature but does not always discriminate effectively between sources of information.
Can seek out and locate required information with minimal support. Employs a wide range of relevant literature effectively.
Independently seeks out and locates required information. Is selective and discriminates between sources of information.
Account is mostly descriptive, personal and/or anecdotal though relevant to the issue at hand.
Attempts to analyze issue and explain not just what it is but how/why it matters to Politics in theory and in practice.
Provide persuasive analysis of the issue. Can synthesize a number of concepts or factors into a larger idea. Can evaluate the salience & limitations of arguments.
Analysis is sophisticated and nuanced. Analysis evaluates competing ideas from a number of standpoints. Makes and supports persuasive argument(s).
Adheres to most expectations regarding the formatting and presentation of work. Bears title and name/studen t ID. Spell checked, grammatically correct.
Adheres to all expectations and conventions with all expected attributes present (introduction , conclusion, well- structured paragraphs, linking phrases).
Adheres to all expectations and conventions with all expected attributes present.
All expected attributes present but have been creatively interpreted to suit personal style and the specific execution of the task. A unique but appropriate presentation of work.
Adherence to academic conventions
Basic referencing accurate and use of a bibliography and or reference list. Lacks consistency.
Consistent system of referencing with minor errors of style or presentation.
Use of academic conventions such as referencing and citation is accurate, consistent and appropriate for the discipline.
Use of academic conventions such as referencing and citation is accurate, consistent and appropriate for the discipline.