Nursing Diagnosis
This is where you present your actual and potential diagnosis. Remember these are based on the data that you have gathered. In this section you need to structure both actual and potential nursing diagnosis using the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association’s Taxonomy of Nursing Diagnosis (NANDA). We discussed and developed these within each lecture throughout the semester (first year). There is a link to the Nursing Diagnosis textbook available on the LMS in the online resources tab. Remember an actual diagnosis reflects immediate and currently present signs and symptoms, while the potential diagnosis is based on risk factors that might develop into an actual problem for the patient.
Diagnosis One (there is two Nursing Diagnosis):

Identify one (1) actual and one (1) potential healthcare problems that the nurse is accountable and responsible to treat.

The problems identified in this discussion are to directly link to the patient’s abnormal assessment findings outlined in the assessment data. In addition, the problem must be linked to the defining characteristics of the patient’s disease process.

The actual and/or potential healthcare problem MUST be written using NANDA taxonomy.