There are three main sections to the paper.

Section 1: The problem statement, which includes:
What you are studying and why it is important?

A clear statement of the problem to which your study relates?

Characteristics of the problem? (Who is affected, how)

Scope and intensity of the problem? (How many affected? with what impact?)

Its place as a social work concern – historically and now?

Background of the problem within American society?

Discussion of relevant federal and state policies and/or judicial decisions to address the problem, both historic and current?

Section 2: Theoretical Framework, which includes,
Briefly discuss the theoretical/conceptual framework for your study.

What theoretical orientation guides the study?

What rationale justifies the use of this theoretical orientation?

How does the inclusion of the chosen theoretical orientation contribute to an
understanding of the problem being investigated?

Section 3: Research Design, which includes,
Briefly identify and justify the type of research design you/we are considering