Women Suffrage

The goal of this assignment is for you to characterize a historical debate featuring the historical figures who speak through the primary sources in For the Record.
Consider the following guidelines:

a. Select at least five primary sources. You should write about a debate for which there are multiple perspectives featured in our collection of primary source documents. Present the positions of the historical figures, with an emphasis on the individual, not the “document” or “article.”

b,Define the time period you are writing about. What time period do your sources span? How is this time period usually referred to by scholars . You should not begin or conclude your paper by making a broad statement about this historical theme in the present

d. Only use evidence from the primary sources to support your thesis. You can only write about what you have evidence to support from these sources — stay focused on the sources.

e. Defining your time period and the evidence that supports your claim go hand-in-hand: The historical debate you select to write about could be something that is visible and present in Modern America as well, but really the focus of the paper is a claim you can support using evidence from our primary source collection in For the Record. Don’t include outside research. You may refer to information from America: A Narrative History.

f. Don’t quote the textbook authors. That includes George Tindall and David Shi. Know the difference between the primary source and secondary source text in both textbooks. If you are unsure, ask me!

g. Structure: Your paper should be structured by ideas, not by sources. In other words, do not begin each new body paragraph by introducing a document/speech/letter, etc. Instead, focus on the ideas presented by the primary source creators: What was the idea being addressed by this creator, and how does it support your thesis?

h. References/Attribution: Refer to historical speakers and documents within your paper. You do not need a work cited page. You should not include information from sources other than the course texts.