Guidance for writing up your Research Proposal.
It is helpful for those marking the assessment if you clearly label each part of your proposal with sub-headings suggested below – the word limits/numbers in brackets are not prescriptive, but merely included for guidance.

1. Introduction (100 words)
What is your overall focus and research aim? Do you have objectives? – To identify evidence defining the effectiveness of Invasive versus non-invasive ventilation.

2. Justification of Study (200 words)
Focus upon justification of the study. Why is the research question relevant to clinical practice, education or management? Why would it be of value to consider the topic? Is there a gap in current evidence? Is the existing research outdated now?

3. Literature Review (1000-1300 words)
Review the main body of literature to your research question. The aim is to explore the nature of the problem and to formulate and refine your research question. Do not just import extracts from the literature, but be critical about what you have read and chosen to include. How does the current literature relate to your aims/objectives/research questions? Can the literature inform your research? Is it that you have identified an existing gap within the literature that needs addressing via your questions?

4. Method (1000 words)

• Clearly outline the aim of your research and list more specific research questions.
• Critically appraise methodologies relevant to your research question demonstrating how your approach will help you to obtain an answer to your research question.

• Argue strongly in favor of the methodological approach that you consider most appropriate for your study – justify your chosen method by discussing why you have rejected alternatives and why your approach is appropriate.

• Provide a rationale for the method of data collection. Data reduction and analysis that you intend using with this approach.

• Highlight strengths and weaknesses with reference to your research question and chosen population. (600 words for the previous 5 bullet points)

• Discuss the sampling technique that you would use, highlight its strengths and weaknesses with particular reference to your research question

• Discuss the ethical issues arising from the intended study

• You need to conclude/summarize – as part of this you may also wish to discuss how you will disseminate your findings, given that they may have practice implications.