A Comprehensive Case on Motivating Performance


Begin with a brief overview of the case and objective of the report.
Part 1: Case Questions (answer in paragraph format using headings below)

What elements are missing that would motivate Larissa? What do you think is lacking for her in her career in terms of motivation?

In your opinion, what do you believe is the main problem at this point in time for Larissa? Identify a few main issues she is having.

How might one go about maintaining a fair environment in the sales department with both Larissa and Earl, so that each may effectively work?

What would be your approach to the implementation of a new strategy to effectively motivate Larissa? Are there any risks? If so, how might you mitigate them?

What time period would you assign to resolving this motivation issue with Larissa? If Larissa’s performance would continue to lag, what would be some additional options to keep in mind?