The Movie “The Help”

What is(are) the major underlying problem(s)experienced by the characters? Provide a brief summary of the film that doesn’t simply describe the plot, but rather describes and captures the nature of the problem(s). Keep in mind that there is no single correct answer to this, so you must use your educated, informed opinion.

•Provide examples of how one or more characters’ behavior illustrates the problem(s).

•Now ask yourself, “What does each person you identified NEED?”. Provide a prescription of sorts, based upon course material, of what the characters could do to implement positive change in their lives.

In fact, you must apply at least five (5) concepts from the course, two (2) of which must come from material in chapters 9, 10, 11, 13or 14.Note that there are many characters and some of them may not be relevant to the problem(s)that you have identified in the first step. T

hus, you do not need to give a prescription for EACH character, but for each character that is relevant to the problem you identified.

•The key to this assignment is to show creative and thoughtful application of the course material to the complex situation depicted in this film. Apply as many concepts from the course that you feel are relevant and that you can adequately apply within the page limit.

•Reminder –keep your answer concise, but thorough, and within the 4-page limit.

•A final note to consider: In many ways, this course, and this assignment, should highlight the contrast between clear abnormal behavior (psychopathology) that is commonly treated by a The Movie “The Help” or psychiatrist, and maladaptive functioning or an adjustment problem, which is more of a temporary, situational disturbance in the everyday functioning of an individual. Usually, such disturbances, although quite distressful and disruptive, do not reflect underlying psychopathology and are considered sub-clinical.