International relations

Main Essay Questions (3,000 words + bibliography) (Choose ONE) Deadline:

1.Was Soviet Intelligence more successful at subversion and espionage than British Counter Intelligence was at stopping them? To what extent is this also true for Nazi Intelligence (vs British Counter Intelligence) before the Second World War?

2.To what extent was the attack on Pearl Harbor an example of American intelligence failure and the Battle of Midway an intelligence success?

3.FH Hinsley argued that Ultra shortened the Second World War. Critically examine the contribution of Ultra and the contribution of other relevant factors that led to allied victory.

4.Does Winston Churchill’s use of intelligence in the Second World War conform to either Sherman Kent or Willmoore Kendall’s ideal type of intelligence customer?

5.Looking at what VENONA revealed about Soviet espionage in the United States, were the accusations of Senator Joe McCarthy and HUAC justified?

6.In the Cold War, how did Soviet approaches to intelligence differ from those of Britain and the United States. Overall, how successful were the methods and approach of the Soviet Union?

7.Did Kennedy’s use of the EXCOMM during the Cuban Missile Crisis enhance or diminish the role of intelligence in Presidential decision making? Discuss with reference to the Presidency of Lyndon Baines Johnson.

8.‘During the Vietnam War President Johnson only listened to intelligence he wanted to hear’ Discuss with reference to the intelligence cycle.

9.What are the advantages and disadvantages of deploying intelligence against an armed non-state group overseas? Answer with reference to at least four intelligence collection disciplines (HUMINT, IMINT, SIGINT, etc.).

10.How important is good intelligence in ‘defeating’ insurgencies? Clearly define the concept of defeat and answer using examples.

11.Assess the strengths and weaknesses of twenty-first century British intelligence in countering terrorism at home.

12.Should intelligence be a secret? Using historical examples discuss the advantages and disadvantages of secrecy within intelligence communities