Unit 4 DB: What does an Intelligence Test measure?Unit 4 DB: What does an Intelligence Test measure?

Choose one of the following topics below and address the corresponding questions.

Base your answers on your observations about the intelligence test you took in the Unit Readings and Activities.

Were the concepts of fluid and/or crystallized intelligence demonstrated through the test you took? Why or why not? Provide examples from the test itself in support of your response.

Did the test measure practical and/or emotional intelligence? If so, how? If not, how did it not measure practical and/or emotional intelligence? Provide examples from the test in support of your response.

Was the test accurate in measuring intelligence, according to Bi-net? If so, how? If not, how was it not accurate? Provide examples from the test to support your answer.

How might this test have been culturally biased? Conversely, do you feel that it was culture fair? Provide examples from the test that support your perspective.


Option #2 – Multiple Intelligence’s

What is meant by Multiple Intelligence’s?

Take the Multiple Intelligence Inventory and determine which intelligence’s you score “high” on and which you score “low” on. Are the results consistent with your perception of yourself? Why or why not?

Do you feel the test was culturally fair? Explain.

What applications do the theory of Multiple Intelligence’s have in educational settings?

Be sure to use APA style formatting for any resource used as reference in your post.