1) discrimination in subtitling

2) when the professional code of conduct and personal moral ethics cross.

Essay Marking criteria: Your essays are assessed on the following criteria:

• Introduction

o How well is the scope of the essay defined?

• Conclusion

o How well are the important points raised in the body of the essay recapitulated?

o How well can this section serve as an ‘analytical focus’ – a summary analysis of the material referred to in the body of the essay?

• Use of Relevant Evidence

o Is the evidence used relevant, thoughtfully selected and from a variety of sources?

• Critical Analysis and Originality

o Is the approach to question well informed?

o Is there clear evidence of a good understanding of sources and critical thought? • Structure and Organization

o Is the essay coherent and well structured? Is it easy to follow the author’s line of thinking?

o Does the essay develop a logical argument? How well are the ideas marshal-led?

o Are quotations and/or examples in other languages (back-)translated or explained in English to benefit readers who do not have other working languages?

• Referencing

o Does the bibliography cover all the main sources? Are the references relevant, clear and accurate?

o You are REQUIRED to use Harvard style of referencing