Strategic Analysis

Case Study Aid: Decision Scenarios
I. Analyzing a Decision Scenario Case This study aid is divided into two parts.

The first part organizes your notes and thinking about the case.

The second organizes the points you want to make for an essay on the case. (For a detailed explanation of how to analyze a decision scenario, see Chapter 4.)

To begin your work, think about and capture the following: What is the decision that needs to be made in the case? What are the major decision options?

In a decision scenario case, the decision is stated in one of the sections, typically the first. Often the decision options are also explicitly stated. If the options are not stated, you’ll need to determine what you think are the most logical alternatives.

Decision options:
Exploring the Decision Options What questions will help you explore the decision options you listed above? Can you identify concepts or frameworks you have learned that might be useful for answering the questions?

Questions for exploring the decision options. Examples: Does the new product offer significant value to the customer? Does the new product offer financial advantages for the manufacturer?