Covid-19 & Mental Health in Ontario, Canada

Consider how Covid-19 and the pandemic has changed your life with respect to the social determinants of health. Choose at least TWO of the following (a-e) to discuss in your post:

a. Consider how changes to education, income, and job security resulting from the pandemic has impacted our mental health.

b. How do these changes impact poverty, housing, and food insecurity?

c. Consider how access to health services has changed and how that might have an impact on our mental health.

d. How has Covid-19 impacted early childhood experiences and the social safety nets that are essential to our overall health and well-being?

e. If we look at the impact of social exclusion on mental health and well-being, how has the pandemic furthered the marginalization of people based on race, immigration status, gender, sexuality, socio-economic status, ability, age and other social identity characteristics?

Finally, have any of the changes you’ve experienced resulting from the pandemic had a positive impact on your mental health and well-being?