Globalization Essay Instructions and Rubric
Learning Objective:

Write about how technology impacts global organizations critically think about how globalization will impact their careers

Describe how the flattening phenomenon impacts organizations (i.e., business, non-profit organizations or governments). Give examples.
[Enter your answer here in two or three concise paragraphs.]

Identify and describe the forces that lead to a flattening world according to Tom Friedman.

Describe how individuals, organizations, societies, or economies are linked together and impact each other through the use of and consumption of technology. You may take a contrarian view, if you support your view with evidence.

Describe how the flattening phenomenon will impact your career specifically. Identify your major and your career goals.

How might you be benefited by or be hindered by a flatter world? Be specific and more diverse than just “We’ll lose jobs.”

What technologies could you learn to mitigate the personal effects of a flatter world? Stating that globalization will not affect you is not a defensible position.