Read and respond to the following classmates’ discussion posts. Be constructive and professional with your thoughts, feedback, or suggestions. Be sure to use at least 175 words, FULL APA references, and in-text citations.

1. Managers encourage cooperation among various generations of employees and lead to achieve quality results. It takes a team functioning together and in sync in order to achieve the quality initiatives required, as you well point out in your post.

Class: Suppose you were the lead manager of an organization and cooperation among various employees from different generations was lacking, and as such was a barrier to making progress in quality initiative areas. What would be a first step to find the root cause of the problem of lack of teamwork? What first set of questions might you ask in your search for answers?  discuss.

2. This week as we think about employee satisfaction and working together to bridge generational differences,  Communication is an important element of bringing generational differences to a common point. In our businesses sometimes deficiencies in communication may not be addressed properly therefore supporting a continual need for improvements.

This course and our material causes me to stop and think about the possibility of generational differences being part of the communication deficit; if this is true then addressing the differences and finding commonalities might be a way to support lasting solutions.