End of Life Care and Symptom Management

1 Critically evaluate the knowledge base and explore approaches to the holistic care of patients and families with life limiting disease.

2 Demonstrate critical understanding of symptom management to enhance patient quality of life.

3 Critically appraise how sociological, political and organizational issues influence the delivery of end-of-life care

Using a case study, explore the holistic end of life care given to a patient that you have cared for. Your case study must include a critical reflection of factors which influenced the outcomes of care. Your case study needs to include:

1 information on at least one symptom. The symptom management needs to identify best practice and you need to explore how this compares to the symptom management strategy delivered in your case study.

2 Information regarding the psycho-social issues including care of the patient and family where relevant.

3 Your assignment needs to identify any ethical issues and should include the importance of communication in the delivery of end of life care.