Health and education

You must answer three questions with a maximum answer length of 1000 words per question. You have one week from release of questions to submit your answers through Turnitin.

Exam Questions

Discuss the role of history in contemporary social constructions of health and illness.

Debate society’s role in the construction of public notions of health and illness through a consideration of the complexities of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Assess the role of sociological theory in contemporary understandings of health.
CW Mills argued that we can understand public issues of structure and history by looking at personal problems of biography. Using this method (known as the ‘sociological imagination’), reflect upon a contemporary health-related issue.

Are our opportunities for access to health and well being dependent upon our class, gender, or ethnicity? Discuss the role of social inequality in health and illness.

Attitudes towards the body, health and well being are subjective, and constructed from within social organization and structure. Discuss the influence of such attitudes as constructed by ethnicity/race or gender/sexuality.

Evaluate the concept of ‘medicalization’ and the importance of sociological perspectives on health, illness and well-being.

Critically discuss the role of professionalization in healthcare relationships. Might an increase in the delivery of healthcare services in community settings promote more personalized and equitable care?