Explain the topic you have chosen and why you have chosen it – and how it is particularly pertinent to you as you embark upon your career.

Use the R&R Strategy to summarize the some of the key issues around retention, especially relating to leaving within the first 5 years

Use some of your existing literature review to outline some of the challenges for ECTs, but also look at what the Statutory entitlements are for NQTs – use your criticality (for example we mentioned that Academies and Free schools are exempt).

You can then say that in response to this, and as part of the R&R Strategy, the Govt has launched the ECF with effect from this September.

Look at what the ECF involves and how it is meant to link to the ITE year – comment on any strengths/flaws you notice.  Then look at the Statutory Guidance – how has it attempted to improve provision for ECTs?  Does it seem good to you or can you see potential problems

Methodology – Write about how for your research and enquiry you want to see how NQTs are supported in your P1 school (and does it match what “should” be happening?) and discover their view of the proposed changes.

Write about your chosen methodology: why did you choose this this? What are the strengths and limitations of this approach (closed/open questions etc)?  You must refer to one or two books/sources on methodology here.

Also write about your ethical considerations and the limitations of your study overall (i.e small sample/one school etc).  You might also mention the limitations placed on you by the pandemic if appropriate.