
Compare and contrast adult learning theories and practices.

These include andragogy, self-directed, transformative, problem-based, and experiential learning.

Describe how you understand neuroplasticity as it relates to andragogy, self-directed, transformative, problem-based, and experiential learning.

Describe the use of discussion in self-directed, transformative, problem-based, and experiential learning.

Consider how discussion, as presented by Brookfield, functions within each of the adult learning theories.

Evaluate the use of adult learning theories and practices in varied adult learning environments.

Describe the advantages, disadvantages, and best practices of the adult learning instructional approaches listed.

Describe the formal, informal, and nonformal learning environments in which adult learning takes place.


Apply the principles of experiential learning to change an adult learning activity.

Think of a course you are teaching. How could you incorporate experiential learning into one of the units? (Remember that problem-based learning is a specific form of experiential learning.)

Describe the unit and which part you would replace with an experiential learning activity, and then describe the experiential component and how you would envision it working. If you are not teaching, imagine a course that you have taken in the past.

Describe the effects you would expect the incorporation of experiential learning to have on neuroplastic development in your learners.