Analyze behavior

Gives a clear description of psychological and contextual factors that contribute to the behavior.

Some description is given of factors that contribute to the behavior, but relevant factors may be missing or detail may be insufficient. 0 – No analysis of why the behavior occurs.
Identify environmental influences

Clearly identifies relevant environmental influences that affect the behavior.

Environmental influences are identified, but they may not be the most relevant or may be lacking in detail or clarity.

Proposed changes

Clearly explains scientifically-informed proposed changes that stem from concepts and theories discussed in the course. Changes target the environmental influences outlined.

At least one proposed change is described, but it may lack detail or specificity. Proposed change may not be scientifically-informed or based on course concepts. 0 – No proposed changes are described.
Proposed test of efficacy

Describes a reasonable way to experiment or collect data on whether the proposed changes have been effective.

A proposed test of efficacy is described, but may lack clarity or specificity or be unrealistic to implement.