In your written synopsis for the journal article, you must answer all of the following questions.

I. Write the reference in APA form

II. Answer the following questions: (basically, fill in the blank)

a. The main purpose of this article is. (State as accurately as possible the author(s) purpose for writing this article.)

b. The key concept that the author(s) are addressing is. (Figure out the key concept in the mind of the author(s) when the article was written.)

c. The main conclusions in this article are. (Identify the key conclusions the author(s) comes to and presents in this article.)

d. How did the author(s) collect the information to write this article? (methodology)

e. What are some of the claims that the author(s) discuss about future educational programs. (The author will state this in the discussion section.)

f. What do you think the most interesting or important direction for future educational forensic psychology programs?