For this essay, you will present both sides of a current controversial issue and the common ground/compromise between the two sides.

After choosing your topic, develop background information. Remember, in a Rogerian argument, it is important to know the major sides to the issue accurately and without judgment. After you have gained a sufficient background on the topic, find common ground between the major sides. Where do they agree? What definitions, reasons, assumptions, or values do they all share? Next, develop claims that all sides could support based on these similarities.

Once you have accomplished these steps, it is time to write a Rogerian argument to persuade your readers toward a common ground.

Remember the structure for the Rogerian argument:

Compromise Common Ground


Your intro should describe the context of the argument and summarize the major views.Describe the major sides of the issue accurately and fairly, without passing judgment. The body of your essay should also outline the shared values, assumptions, etc. that you identified.

Outside sources are required for this essay, and you must cite them in proper MLA format. The information you use in this essay should be your own developed argument supported by two or more sources.

Even if you interview or use information that you know came from someone else, you must cite that source on a separate works cited page to appear as the last page of the final draft. Note: Do not use Wikipedia as a source.

Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to give you practice in writing an argument that is more cooperative than confrontational.

The purpose of a Rogerian argument is to bring two opposing sides together and show them their common ground, developing claims, plans for actions, or decisions that they can all agree to.

This style is very common in business negotiation and conflict mediation. The writer must be non-judgmental and present both sides fairly and accurately to avoid upsetting the parties involved.

Length: The essay needs to be at least 900 words, EXCLUDING the works cited page. Papers that do not meet the minimum length requirement will earn the grade of zero (0).

Sources: The essay needs to use at least three sources.

At least five (5) in-text citations are required. All documentation needs to be in MLA format. Pay careful attention to both in-text documentation and the works cited page. No more than 15% of the paper should be direct quotes.